Professor Raghu Rau’s program on Financial Disruption at the AIF focuses on how technology is changing our world, disrupting entire industries in the process, and teaches participants to understand the implications and how to navigate them.  “Over the last 10 years, technology has been changing literally everything about our world. Over the space of the…

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Chantal Korteweg says banks are embracing their societal role, prioritizing issues such as diversity and inclusion.  Chantal Korteweg, Director Inclusive Banking at ABN AMRO Bank, believes that banks have a role to play as agents of change and a societal duty to fulfil, beyond making profits. She is an advocate for diversity and inclusion and brings this focus to her position…

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The strategy and behaviors you adopt to get people to help you achieve your goals should depend on the size and type of that interaction, suggests Prof. Marwan Sinaceur, Full Professor at ESSEC Business School in Paris, and a former professor at INSEAD for thirteen years. Marwan teaches a program on Leadership: Influencing People &…

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Professor Moorad Choudhry’s online program Market, Credit & Operational Risk Management at Amsterdam Institute of Finance will teach participants to manage three critical areas of banking risk.  Professor Moorad Choudhry says while credit risk, market risk, and operational risk are “three different beasts”, senior managers within banks need to have a grip on all three, not to mention liquidity risk as well.  His banking risk course, aptly titled Market, Credit & Operational Risk Management, will…

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Professor Cyril Demaria’s Private Equity program at the AIF will expose participants to core concepts of private equity and enable them to engage in this ever-shifting investment environment, with a special focus on the European market.  Professor Cyril Demaria originally set out to study a business degree, but his studies were interrupted by his mandatory military service, which was spent working…

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Professor Moorad Choudhry’s program Bank Asset-Liability Management (ALM) at Amsterdam Institute of Finance will empower participants with a practical understanding of ALM and the ability to develop a framework to implement this discipline within the banks in which they operate. Professor Moorad Choudhry says that in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, he’s suggesting banks…

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How much is a share worth? This is one of the things Professor Jim Wahlen teaches during his online course Advanced Financial Statement Analysis at the Amsterdam Institute of Finance (AIF). The title doesn’t immediately suggest a thriller, but the questions the training tries to answer do: can you use the accounting information to make smart financial decisions? Can you evaluate the quality of…

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The structure and content of courses for finance professionals are changing, thanks to the corona crisis which is accelerating a dormant trend. The corona crisis has left a significant mark on training finance professionals. While courses were sometimes still given in physical classrooms last year, they are banned to the screen in 2021. This has…

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Discover more about Professor Luisa Alemany in this interesting interview, published by London Business School. Read here about the fascinating journey Luisa has made to get where she is now.  At AIF, Luisa teaches the Mergers and Acquisitions and Entrepreneurial Finance programs. 

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You cannot create value for shareholders if you don’t know what affects or is driving value, says the AIF lecturer.  Matti Suominen’s career in equity trading began when he became an equity investor, quite unexpectedly, at just 16 years old. “I inherited some stocks, not a lot, just a small amount. I knew nothing about…

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