For those looking to catch up on valuable insights from leading finance academics and experienced corporate executives over the summer, we’ve curated a collection of the top AIF newsletter stories. Stay ahead of the game by exploring our top reads from the first half of 2024.
Dive into the ten most popular articles, reports, interviews & insights (in alphabetic order):
1. Breanndán Ó Nualláin: Finance professional with AI knowledge has an edge
Ten years ago, if Breanndán Ó Nualláin told people that he is a professor in AI, they would not really have an idea what that was all about.
2. M&A pioneer Timothy Galpin on how to succeed in the M&A game
“It makes sense that deals can quickly become messy”, says Timothy Galpin. “There are many moving parts: finance, HR, operations, supply chains, legal, technology, et cetera. M&A is like an MBA on steroids.”
3. Prof. Cyril Demaria: Private Equity – Asking the tough questions
View from the classroom: discover the inner workings of Private Equity with private markets expert Prof. Cyril Demaria.
4. Jim Wahlen on the role of the accountant in the changing regulatory environment
In the almost two and a half decades Jim Wahlen has been teaching Advanced Financial Statement Analysis at the Amsterdam Institute of Finance, financial reporting has gone through major changes.
5. Prof. Marwan Sinaceur: “Better decision-makers make better managers”
Biases are one of the biggest causes of poor decision making. To prevent biases from polluting our mind, executives should carefully structure their decision making processes, argues Prof. Marwan Sinaceur.
6. Prof. Kevin Kaiser (Advanced Valuation): “Everything is hard to value”
When working on projections, people will often make assumptions that are no better than hunches. For Prof. Kevin Kaiser that won’t do.
7. Prof. Kevin Kaiser: Value Versus Price – A Podcast
Recently Prof. Kevin Kaiser was a guest on Business Talk with Chalfin, a podcast where investor, advisor, and author Robert Chalfin interviews industry leaders and experts to gain insights into important topics in the world of entrepreneurship, real estate, finance, and business.
8. Prof. Zacharias Sautner: Fundamental discussions on value versus values
Prof. Zacharias Sautner captivated a group of banking, finance, and investment professionals with his take on sustainable finance, all rooted in the latest research, insights and business cases.
9. Susan Hansen: Strategy comes first, financial decision making second…
An overly strong focus on financial data can put the strategy on the backburner and lead to confusion within an organization, warns Susan Hansen.
10. Vinodkumar Bhovi: “I wanted to put myself in the shoes of an investor“
Aspiring entrepreneur Bhovi shares eye-opening insights he learned at the Entrepreneurial Finance: Venture Capital Financing program taught by Prof. Cyril Demaria.
>> Read the latest articles on AIF.nl/whats-happening.
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