What are the most popular articles on AIF.nl from the first half of 2023? Discover the 7 most frequently read reports, interviews and insights:
1. SVB collapse: thoughts from Prof. Choudhry (Bank ALM)
“The story is still unfolding, so the final ‘lessons learned’ could differ from what I say here. But, in essence, it does appear that traditional and fundamental principles of bank asset-liability management (ALM) were not applied at SVB,” states Prof. Moorad Choudhry.
2. AIF-program on the psychology of risk: ‘We can’t just switch off our biases’
Prof. Stefan Zeisberger talks to us about the psychological pitfalls in the decision-making process, which is still an underexposed topic in the world of finance.
3. Prof. Demaria: ‘Ultimately finance is a business of trust’ (Entrepreneurial Finance)
A seat on the board, strong conditions in the shareholders’ agreement, or preferred shares: venture investors have many ways to protect their interests, says Prof. Cyril Demaria. Demaria shares insights about venture capital finance.
4. Prof. Schlingemann: ‘Remember: an accurate valuation is not the same as a fair price’ (Acquisition Finance)
There are many ways that lead to Rome and just about as many ways to valuate, structure and finance deals. Prof. Schlingemann shares insights about the theory, models, and various forms of valuations used in the acquisition process.
5. Prof. Choudhry: ‘Bank Asset-Liability Management is the core of banking’
All bankers benefit from solid knowledge of Bank Asset-Liability Management. With a great sense of humor and a wealth of experience, Prof. Moorad Choudhry keeps bankers and executives updated on the latest developments in the field.
6. Private Equity: asking the tough questions
Working in private equity demands a diverse skill set from finance professionals. Discover the inner workings of private equity with private markets expert Prof. Cyril Demaria.
7. Alumni tell us about AIF’s in-depth programs
Participants tell us about inspiring days full of knowledge and networking opportunities. “A program that everyone should follow” and “the study material contained exactly the depth I was looking for.”
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