Matt (Matthew) Wieland is an Associate Professor at Miami University’s Farmer School of Business.  

Professor Wieland received his PhD and Master of Business from Indiana University after spending three years in public accounting in Cleveland. Prior to joining Miami University, Matt was on the accounting faculty at the University of Georgia and Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business in Indianapolis. He also taught financial statement analysis at Yonsei University in South Korea. In addition, he is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and a member of the American Accounting Association. 

 Matt Wieland is an accountant who is passionate about teaching and researching how to use accounting information in valuation. He has been teaching for over 18 years, the last eight of which have been at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University, Ohio. 

 His research focuses on the role of accounting information in capital markets. More specifically, this work examines how information maps into security prices and how firm decisions influence reported accounting information. The results of these studies have been published in leading accounting journals such as

– Review of Accounting Studies
– Contemporary Accounting Research
– Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting
– Accounting Horizons

>> Advanced Financial Statement Analysis

Learn more:
>> Professor Matt Wieland: ‘Use earnings to value public companies’
>> Jim Wahlen on the role of the accountant in the changing regulatory environment

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