Jim Wahlen Advanced - Financial Statement Analysis

In the almost two and a half decades Jim Wahlen has been teaching Advanced Financial Statement Analysis at the Amsterdam Institute of Finance, financial reporting has gone through major changes. Regulation has been significantly strengthened, as has the role of the accountant. As Wahlen hands the baton to his successor Matt Wieland, he looks back…

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Where do investors scout their prospective investments? What do they find important when negotiating a deal with a start-up? Why do they think about an exit strategy early in the game? For aspiring entrepreneur Vinodkumar Bhovi the course Entrepreneurial Finance: Venture Capital Financing was the ideal way to find answers to these kinds of questions….

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Mergers and Acquisitions

During the cross-disciplinary program Mergers & Acquisitions at the Amsterdam Institute of Finance (AIF), top expert Tim Galpin took the participants on an exciting tour through the dynamic M&A landscape. One of his key messages throughout the course was: “Value is only projected during the transaction. Value is created after the deal is done.” •…

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Kevin Kaiser is Senior Director of the Alternative Investments Initiative and Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He was Professor of Management Practice and on the finance faculty at INSEAD from 1992 until 2017. Kevin’s research focuses on private equity, corporate restructuring and financial distress, and has more recently oriented…

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How do asset managers, bankers and investors incorporate environmental, social and governance issues into their investment cycle? That was the central question during the two-day program on Sustainable Finance at Amsterdam Institute of Finance. The topic is currently probably the most pressing in finance: sustainability. During a two-day program at the Double Tree Hilton Amsterdam…

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In the valuation process, cash flow projections are of crucial importance. These in turn depend on estimates for things like market growth or expected market share. When working on projections, people will often make assumptions that are no better than hunches. For Kevin Kaiser that won’t do. Kaiser, who advocates a more rigorous approach, teaches…

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AI for finance professionals - header article - Breanndan ONuallain

Ten years ago, if Breanndán Ó Nualláin told people that he is a professor in AI, they would not really have an idea what that was all about. This has radically changed. Nowadays every newspaper will carry some article or mention of the topic. All this attention notwithstanding, finance professionals still struggle to grasp the…

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Susan Hansen Finance for non-financials

Modern business is data-driven. Financial information offers realtime insights that allow on the fly decision making, and provide critical input for long term strategy formulation. However, there is a flipside to this. An overly strong focus on financial data can put the strategy on the backburner and lead to confusion within an organization, warns Susan…

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Decision-making in high-stake situations with Marwan Sinaceur

Every day, we are faced with many decisions and choices. About making an investment, assessing an existing project, engaging in a new project, deciding on a strategic priority, solving a problem, responding to a proposal, hiring a new team member, assessing someone’s performance, choosing how to best present a case, doing a forecast, buying a…

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Mastering Operational Risk, Resilience, and Crisis Management with Tobias Jaeger

Misfortune never comes alone. This age-old adage that dates back to at least Roman times is still very true today. A cybersecurity breach, a case of internal fraud, or a supply chain disruption: on their own incidents like these already pose a great danger. Managed poorly, they could snowball into an existential threat, warns Tobias…

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