We are in the midst of the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. The Great Lockdown has sent economies in freefall, jobs are getting lost on a massive scale and we will see a sharp rise in government debt. Governments, international organizations as well central banks are scrambling to halt the economic decline.
How can we make sense of this crisis? How long will the economic recession last? What can policymakers do to get us out of this crisis? What are the implications for international trade, financial markets and the future of the European Union? What are the geopolitical implications? In this webinar Peter De Keyzer will enter into more detail into these issues and will be available for questions on the Great Lockdown and its consequences.
Peter De Keyzer has extensive experience as an Economist and Chief Economist at, among others, KBC Asset Management and BNP Paribas Fortis. At AIF, he teaches the 2-day program Understanding Global Macroeconomics.
Join us on the 19th of May for this free webinar.
For program details and enrollment click here