NEW Risk Programs with Dr. Russell Walker!
In October 2019 and June 2020 Dr. Russell Walker (Kellogg School of Management) will return to AIF. In October 2019 he will be teaching Operational Risk – From Measurement to Management and Leadership, a program focusing on the importance of operational risk in the financial services industry and the development of organizational capabilities to address it. Communication of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) will be discussed, as well as Basel methodologies, stress testing, and the impact of the organizational culture on operational risk management.
In his intensive 4-day program Risk Management – An Overview of Credit, Market, Operational, Enterprise, and Strategic Risk in June 2020, Dr, Walker will guide his audience through the sources of various risks – and how to effectively practise risk management.
Another risk expert making his return to AIF is Dr. Colin Lawrence who will teach the ALM & IRRBB: Optimizing the Balance Sheet course in May. This is an intermediate level workshop focusing on understanding and implementing the Interest Rate Risk on the Banking Book (IRRBB). Seats are filling up fast – if you are a risk manager, don’t wait too long before confirming your place. Prrofessionals in treasury, compliance, regulation, and ALM will also find this a useful course.
Many of you have been patiently waiting for the Behavioral Risk Management program to be offered again at AIF. In September the wait is finally over as Professor Hersh Shefrin will return with this fascinating course that presents a framework for managing risks that relate to human psychology.