“The story is still unfolding, so the final ‘lessons learned’ could differ from what I say here. But, in essence, it does appear that traditional and fundamental principles of bank asset-liability management (ALM) were not applied at SVB,” states Prof. Moorad Choudhry.
We are excited to share with you some valuable insights from our esteemed ALM Professor, Moorad Choudhry, on the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the US. In this 15-minute video, Choudhry provides his initial thoughts on the topic, and we believe you’ll find his perspective very interesting. While the topic has been widely discussed, Professor Choudhry’s unique insights shed new light on the issue.
“The balance sheet is everything”, as my old boss at RBS Group Treasury always used to say – never a truer statement said.”
Professor Moorad Choudhry, Recognise Bank Limited and the Loughborough Building Society.
Prof. Choudhry teaches the popular 3-day program Bank Asset-Liability Management at the Amsterdam Institute of Finance (AIF). Learn more now.
Watch Prof. Choudhry’s insightful video, which was published on LinkedIn on Sunday, March 12th, by Choudhry himself:
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